Banners for public use and mod promotion.

You may link to the images in this page and then you don't have to worry about hosting the images yourself if you don't want to.

Just add the [img]*url of the picture below*[/img] tags on the forum and it should work fine. To find the url right-click on the picture and select properties. Then copy and paste the Address (URL) into the proper spot inside the tags and you have a new sig.

Small Banners

350 x 20

350 x 20

Large Banners

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60

480 x 60