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    Minas Morgul, the abode of the Ringwraiths now playable in the 'Battle for Middle-earth'.
    This map was designed by mh_gollum for the 'Kings of the West Mod', the Morgul buildings included were created by myself (GothmogtheOrc) also for the 'Kings of the West Mod'.

  • Some of the basics of the mod:
    • Compatible with patch 1.03 of BFME I as well as online multiplayer
    • Completely finished and released map
  • Additions or changes to Gameplay:
    • Minas Morgul Fortress with Walls, Gate, Gargoyle Statues, and Citadel
    • The mod also contains 12 new team colors for Skirmish and Multiplayer (in addition to the original colors). The colors included are:
      • 2 shades of grey
      • Black, white
      • New red, blue, teal, gold, and yellow
      • Hot Pink and Neon Green
      • Gray Green (Awesome Rohan/Fellowship color. It's the color of the Fellowship's Lothlorien cloaks)

  • The mod comes with an installer that you can run for easy installation.
    If you encounter any problems, please visit my forums and let me know.




Download the Minas Morgul Map by clicking on the image below



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