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Leadership "King of the Mark"
(lvl 1) (+150% Damage, +50% Armor, +200% Experience, +100% Resist
Now for Wrath (lvl 2) (+200% Damage, +100%
Armor for a limited time)
Glorious Charge (lvl 4) (theoden and nearby
cavalry only take 10% damage for short time)
King's Favor (lvl 6) (now gives 150 XP instead
of 50 XP)
Mount (lvl 1)
Other info:
Theodred ($2000)
Leadership "Second Marshal of the Mark"(lvl
1) (+100% Damage, +200% Armor, +50% Experience)
Hold Position (lvl 2) (+50% Damage, +250%
Armor, no mounting while active, also affects nearby infantry; only
lasts a short time)
King's Son (lvl 3) (King Theoden's powers recharge faster when he is with Theodred)
Heir to the Throne (lvl 4) (Erkenbrand,
Hama, Elfhelm, Grimbold, and Gamling recieve +50% Damage and +50%
Armor when near Theodred)
Summon Eored (lvl 6) (Summon 3 battalions
of troops from the Westfold)
Mount (lvl 1)
Other info:
Theodred has the best armor leadership
for rohan
Theodred's Hold Position power can give
your troops the extra defense needed to survive against an overwhelming
enemy force, but beware, when in use you cannot mount and run
Theodred is primarily an infantry and
defense hero, but with his mount and summon eored power he can
quickly turn a defense battle into an offensive assult against
your enemy.
Eomer ($2000)
Leadership "Third Marshal of the Mark"(lvl
1) (+250% Damage)
Outlaw Leadership (lvl 2) (nearby units
earn resources for each enemy killed)
Lord of the Mark (lvl 3) (+200% Damage,
+50% Armor for a short time)
Throw Spear (lvl 5)
Summon Eored (lvl 8) (summons 3 battalions
of fully upgraded rohirrim cavalry)
Mount (lvl 1)
Other info:
Eowyn ($1400)
Smite (lvl 1)
Leadership (lvl 2) (+100% Damage, only affects
peasants and Royal Guard)
Disguise (lvl 4)
Shield Maiden (lvl 5) (+55% Armor , +200%
Damage for limited time)
Friend of Meriadoc (lvl 6) (grants Merry
+50% Damage, +50% Armor when he is near her)
Mount (lvl 1)
Erkenbrand ($1400)
Blow Horn (lvl 1) (causes enemies to flee)
Leadership (lvl 3) (+100% Damage, +100%
Armor, +150% Experience)
Valor of Helm Hammerhand (lvl 5) (+150%
Damage for a short time)
Wise Precautions (lvl 6) (grants selected
units 50 XP)
Mount (lvl 1)
Other info:
Erkenbrand has the best leadership across
the board for rohan, though none of his bonuses are the strongest.
Erkenbrand is like Theoden in that neither
of them have an advantage on offense or defense; they are good
at both.
Hama ($800)
Leadership "Captain of the King's Guard"
(lvl 1) (+100% Damage, +100% Armor, only affects Royal Guards)
Swift Strike (lvl 3) (single powerfull
Strong Shield (lvl 5) (+200% armor for a
short time)
Summon Royal Guards (lvl 6) (summons 4
Royal Guards if they are single units or 2 hordes)
Mount (lvl 1)
Other info:
Elfhelm ($800)
Leadership "Marshal of Edoras"
(lvl 2) (+75% Damage, +75% Armor, +75% Experience, only affects
Reinforcements (lvl 4) (+15% Speed to nearby
Cavalry for a short time)
Summon Reinforcements (lvl 6) (summons
2 battalions of regular cavalry)
Mount (lvl 1)
Other info:
Grimbold ($800)
Gamling ($400)
Merry ($100)
Throw Rocks/Use Sword (lvl 1)
Elven Cloak (lvl 1)
Sword of Westernesse (lvl 4) (single extremely
strong attack against Nazgul and the WitchKing)
Knight of the Riddermark (lvl 6) (merry
recieves a heavy armor bonus)
Mount (lvl 8) (merry mounts a small pony)
Alatar (Summoned
without timer)
Wizard Blast (lvl 1)
Healer from across the Sea (lvl 3) (heals
nearby troops)
Leadership "Aura of the Istari"
(lvl 5) (+100% damage, +100% armor, and 25% vision)
Light from the Sea (lvl 8) (blue istari
Blue Wizards (lvl 1) (+50% Damage, +50%
Armor, +50% Experience if near Pallando)
Other info:
Pallando (Summoned
without timer)
Water Blast (lvl 2) (similar to fireball
in function)
Voice of the Istari (lvl 4) (+50 XP to
selected units)
Wrath of Orome the Valar (lvl 7) (lightning
Protection of the Valar (lvl 10) (nearby
units take no damage for a short time)
Blue Wizards (lvl 1) (+50% Damage, +50%
Armor, +50% Experience if near Alatar)
Other info:
Haldir (Summoned,
possibly without a timer)
Toggle Bow & Sword (lvl 1) (40 Melee
Damge, and 50 Ranged Damage)
Leadership "Captain of Lothlorien"
(lvl 1) (+150% Damage, +50% Armor, only affects Elves)
Piercing Shot (lvl 4) (single strong arrow
Sword Master (lvl 5) (blademaster)
Summon Elven Army (lvl 10) (Summons 4 Battalions
of Elven Warriors)
Other info:
Heal (1)
Draft (1)
Westfold (3)
Elven Allies
Elven Wood
Cloud Break
Ent Allies
Blue Wizards